Flax crackers

A scrumptious hormone and gut balancer

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  • 1 cup whole golden flax seeds
  • 2 cups filtered or mineral water
  • Flavorings to choose from (or divide and rule…)
    1. 1 tbsp mild curry powder heated slightly in a dry pan
    2. 1 tbsp Italian mixed dried herbs heated gently on a dry pan and 1 clove of garlic, minced
    3. 1/2 tbsp grated ginger (or 1 tsp dried ground ginger), 1 garlic clove, minced, pinch of Cayenne pepper and a good squeeze of lime juice
    4. 1 tbsp kelp powder, 2 tsp onion salt, 1 tsp garlic powder

    Soak the flax seeds in the water for 24 hours, covered. If you leave them longer in a clod area (not the fridge) they will start to sprout and increase their nutrients and digestibility. Mix in flavourings of your choice. Spread the mix 1/8 inch thick onto grease-proof paper lining a pizza tray or grill tray. Heat the oven to 100°C and dehydrate for 4 hours. Spread another greaseproof paper on top and holding the edges tightly, turn the tray, peel off the first grease-proof paper and place the cracker mixture back in the oven for another 4-6 hours, until dry and crisp. Break into cracker size and enjoy with your favourite dip or with soups/salads.


Apple Berry Nut Crumble

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Yummy Low GI Treat!


  • 2 cups diced Bramley apple (no need to peel them)
  • 3 cups mixed frozen berries
  • ½ Organic lemon’s peel grated and its juice
  • ½cup Xylitol + 4 tbsp
  • 1/3 cup wholegrain flour
  • 1 and ½ cup oat / millet flakes
  • 1 heaped tsp ground cinnamon
  • 100g organic butter or coconut oil
  • 1 cup pecans roughly chopped

Pre-heat oven 180 °C. Pour lemon juice over diced apples, mix with berries, 4 tbsp Xylitol and lemon peel. Lay the mix into oven proof dish.

Mix the rest of the ingredients forming crumble and lay it over the apples loosely covering them. Bake for about 45 minutes, till the fruits are gently bubbling and crumble is slightly darkened and crispy.

Serve with a generous dollop of natural yoghurt.

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